
Way to Ithaca

“Keep Ithaca always in your mind. Arriving there is what you’re destined for. But don’t hurry the journey at all.” – Ithaca, C. Kavafis

At Efimeron we believe that we are all destined to our Ithaca, but first we must set out for it. Our aim is to inspire your journey.

“We are all Ulysses, looking for our own Ithaca and the time to start looking is now.”

Beside the milestone, every traveler knows that the journey is the real treasure.


Positive growth.

This is why Efimeron team is engaged in taking action against the brutal effects of climate change on the environment and on the communities directly affected, and works to integrate a sustainable approach to all its activities. We believe that just a system where social justice and climate justice co-exist on a constant and solid base, can be defined as sustainable.

Il sole che tramonta attraverso una fitta foresta di alberi.
Turbine eoliche in piedi su una pianura erbosa, con un cielo blu sullo sfondo.
Il sole splende su un crinale che conduce alla costa. In lontananza, un'auto scende lungo una strada.

As explorers and lovers of our planet Earth, it’s our common responsibility to embrace resiliency against global warming and its causes to which we retrace most of the contemporary injustice.


On our platform you will find informative articles about sustainable tourism and eco-friendly travels, a reserved area for customize your research based on your preferences and a weekly newsletter for inspiring weekly content.


On our platform you will find tailored-made educational tools designed to support SMEs in their green transition, training material and a matching section to connect with local facilities in your area and with the other members of the platform to share your visions. You can also use the platform to explore opportunities of strategic partnership with organizations facilitating voluntourism and youth exchanges experiences or reach out to our team for a consultancy about international funding programmes, thematic calls and tenders and interregional cooperation projects.

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